Your mind is the most powerful tool in your trading arsenal.

Utilize a science based approach to upgrading your trading psychology, detaching emotions from your trading, and leveling up your trading psychology.


How Our Tradechology Service Works

Need an in-depth analysis of your trades?

We pair you with expert traders.

Frustrated Trader | Tradechology

Level up your Trading Psychology - for good!

Tradechology helps traders to overcome the #1 obstacle keeping them from leveling up their trading: their psychology. Our mission is to help traders identify and work through the psychological barriers preventing them from maximizing their performance so they can have more confidence in their trades, detach emotions from trade outcomes, and execute with precision.

We analyze your system, your psychology, and your trades across multiple time frames to find out where you may be falling short. With this information, we provide a protocol for traders to upgrade their trading psychology, detach emotions from their trade outcomes, and increase confidence in their trading.

Why Traders Choose Tradechology

Increase discipline and have the patience to wait for A+ setups

Become consistent, confident, and less emotional when making trade decisions

Spend more time enjoying life and not staring at charts all day.


For me it made me stop and really think before entering into a trade with the biggest question being "Does this trade idea fit my rules?" My biggest issue has been trading my PnL which has resulted in a series of winning days being completely erased by one major losing day. So using the tapes to slow things down, follow my rules and then be OK regardless of the trade outcome is what the challenge has helped me focus on, thanks again! -Martin Montana


Assessment & Interactive Workshops


The trial session uncovers the trader's emotional response to trading events so they can recognize which feelings may trigger bad trading decisions. Developed by psychology experts of Harvard Medical School and Yale University, this cutting-edge report will lead you through exercises designed to help you identify and overcome the #1 obstacle every professional trader faces: an overactive mind sabotages their largest potential for upside, leaving them feeling stuck with low expectations and potentially unnecessarily heavy losses from unintended trades

Trading is hard. It can be emotionally draining and financially risky. Most traders are not making the money they want, or even close to it.

If you are able to get rid of all the noise in your head and the emotion in our gut, then you'll be able to make better decisions based on logic rather than emotion. The result? More level headed trading decisions! And that's exactly what we're going to show you how do during this class...

Tradechology's Master Class teaches traders how to take control of their emotions when it comes time to trade, as well as how improve their confidence and set themselves up for success with winning strategies that work! 

In just one hour, we provide you a fully customized step-by-step system you will be able to follow to achieve success as a trader with more consistency than ever before!


I didn't realize how much I was sabotaging my own results based on my internal conflicts. The daily exercises have been amazing in setting my attitude for the day, and I notice that I'm at ease when I open up my platform. - Tory Carmon


Discover essential trading insights

Expert Trade Analysis

The Tradechology team has a singular goal: helping traders take their trading performance to the next level.

We help traders analyze and optimize their approach, then use historical market data - from your very best trade in isolation to an entire portfolio of trades over many months and years - along with scientifically-based behavioral change exercises from world-renowned researchers, to find what we call your Trading Strengths so you can put more focus on them and less on your weaknesses.

Then we make sure that you are equipped with all the necessary drills for instant mastery of these skills so you need no preparation ever again when it comes time to execute in real time markets.

Tradechology Analysis

I will admit being a self proclaimed control freak the first couple of days I found it hard to just relax & let go. However, yesterday, Day 3, things just seemed to click. I found myself less anxious about my open trades & decision making was less stressful. - Senitra Cooper

Tradechology Courses

Trading Psychology Upgrade

How would you like to take the frustration, doubt, and day-to-day grind out of your trading? Our science based approach provides traders with personalized protocol focused on optimizing their trading performance.

Our goal is for you to succeed at trading and we'll create customized recommendations and exercises tailored solely for your needs. 

Most traders don't realize that usually just have one or two major obstacles that prevent them from trading to the best of their ability. Tradechology provides you with expert analysis and a list of exercises for overcoming these obstacles so that you can level up, become more confident in your trade decisions, and improve their trading psychology. 

You are just one step away from having your best trading year ever. 


I must say it has been a transformative experience. The mind is powerful. We have the ability to change so much just by changing our thoughts and what we feed to our conscious and subconscious. The ability to change negative thought patterns to a positive and not subconsciously limit oneself. This exercise has proven to me that I have the ability to be a profitable trader by feeding my mind with words of affirmation along with using visualization techniques and tapping. I can see how this challenge can be used to enhance my life in other areas and not just trading. Thank you for the opportunity!! - Renee Phillips

Join the community of traders who trust Tradechology to level up their performance

Experience what optimized trading is like . Get started for free - we'll uncover the #1 issue sabotaging your trading results and provide you a proven plan to fix it.

We are not Financial Advisors or a Broker/Dealer: Neither Tradechology nor any of its officers, employees, representatives, agents, or independent contractors are, in such capacities, licensed financial advisors, registered investment advisers, or registered broker-dealers. MLH Capital does not provide investment or financial advice or make investment recommendations, nor is it in the business of transacting trades, nor does it direct client commodity accounts or give commodity trading advice tailored to any particular client’s situation. Nothing contained in this communication constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, promotion, endorsement, or offer by MLH Capital of any particular security, transaction, or investment.


Securities Used as Examples: The securities used in this example are used for illustrative purposes only. The calculation used to determine the return on investment “ROI” does not include the number of trades, commissions, or any other factors used to determine ROI. The ROI calculation measures the profitability of investment and, as such, there are alternate methods to calculate/express it. All information provided are for educational purposes only and does not imply, express, or guarantee future returns. Past performance shown in examples may not be indicative of future performance. Testimonials appearing on this website may not be representative of other clients or customers and is not a guarantee of future performance or success. 


Investing Risk: Trading securities can involve high risk and the loss of any funds invested. Investment information provided may not be appropriate for all investors and is provided without respect to individual investor financial sophistication, financial situation, investing time horizon, or risk tolerance.


Testimonials appearing on this website may not be representative of other clients or customers and is not a guarantee of future performance or success