
What's holding you back from being a better trader?

This unique quiz will uncover your trading blind spots! Reveal your trading strengths and weaknesses. Reveal if you are stuck in bad habits or have an unbalanced approach to trading as well as how well you have optimized your trading performance.

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We are not Financial Advisors or a Broker/Dealer: Neither Tradechology nor any of its officers, employees, representatives, agents, or independent contractors are, in such capacities, licensed financial advisors, registered investment advisers, or registered broker-dealers. Tradechology does not provide investment or financial advice or make investment recommendations, nor is it in the business of transacting trades, nor does it direct client commodity accounts or give commodity trading advice tailored to any particular client’s situation. Nothing contained in this communication constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, promotion, endorsement, or offer by Tradechology of any particular security, transaction, or investment

Securities Used as Examples: The securities used in this example are used for illustrative purposes only. The calculation used to determine the return on investment “ROI” does not include the number of trades, commissions, or any other factors used to determine ROI. The ROI calculation measures the profitability of investment and, as such, there are alternate methods to calculate/express it. All information provided are for educational purposes only and does not imply, express, or guarantee future returns. Past performance shown in examples may not be indicative of future performance.

Investing Risk: Trading securities can involve high risk and the loss of any funds invested. Investment information provided may not be appropriate for all investors and is provided without respect to individual investor financial sophistication, financial situation, investing time horizon, or risk tolerance.

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